To minister to the needs of women and cultivate a spirit of unity. To empower women to seek a higher level of spiritual maturity in Christ through knowledge of biblical principles and doctrine. To equip women for service within the Church. To provide opportunities and encouragement for ministry within the community.
FAQ's When will the group meet? We will meet on a monthly basis, September through June, on Saturday Mornings (usually around 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.).
What type of programs do you offer? Every meeting has a spiritual element, but we will explore all avenues to deepen our relationship with Christ. In the past, we have hosted guest speakers, and we had both an Advent and Lenten Reflections. All ideas are welcome!
What else will you have at the meetings? Coffee, tea and cake, of course! We would like to have volunteers to provide these.
What will the service projects be? Ideas are welcome for this too! The needs in our community and our parish are great. Let’s work together to support our community as Jesus teaches us to do!
Why should I join? A women’s ministry is a precious setting that, when pursued with care and prayer, honors the Lord and serves the women in our community. A women’s ministry offers you a unique and strategic place to be rooted, built up and established in Jesus with thankfulness.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our Women’s Ministry! We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. To sign up, please email Diane Russo at [email protected]. You can also contact Diane at 973-768-8794 with any questions.